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    Possible Motor Swap


    Possible Motor Swap Empty Possible Motor Swap

    Post by Guest Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:39 pm

    Just got my 62 econoline and the 144 runs well, but being in the mountains a little extra power could be nice. I've found both a 170 and a 200 not too far away, and am thinking the 170 wouldn't be worth the work. Don't want to go bigger than 200. I'm not worried about speed, just getting up hills a little easier.

    The 200 is out of a 71 maverick. How good of a match is this for my van?
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1747
    Location : Jackson TN
    Registration date : 2010-04-18

    Possible Motor Swap Empty Re: Possible Motor Swap

    Post by econopoor Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:40 am

    The 200 from a 71 Maverick is a great choice. It's pretty much a bolt in swap. There are just a couple of differences to watch for. You will need the carb and distributor from the Maverick for the 200. The 62 linkage won't hook up to the Maverick carb. The best solution is to use a cable setup from a 67 Econoline. You will need the somewhat hard to find 67 pedal assembly. Vic/oldskool sells a new cable for this conversion. He has pedals from time to time. Contact Vic here.

    The other problem is the exhaust. The 62 should have the flat gasket exhaust manifold and the Maverick 200 should have a doughnut gasket. Grab the turn down pipe from the Maverick and splice it into your exhaust system, or just have a muffler shop make a new one. The Maverick will have an alternator and the 62 should still be a generator. This is a good time to upgrade to the alternator. You will need the small clutch and flywheel from the 144 on the 200. The Econoline trans uses the small bolt pattern on the 200 block. The block will be drilled for both patterns. The Maverick clutch and flywheel won't fit into the Econoline bell housing.

    That should cover the minor problems with this swap. The 200 is a great engine in the Econoline. The best bolt in engine you can get.

    Duane in Tennessee

    Number of posts : 310
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2010-05-26

    Possible Motor Swap Empty Re: Possible Motor Swap

    Post by SDEconoTruck Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:19 am

    (You might also have to swap out the pilot bearing inside the end of the crank!)

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