while i was changing the engine, i took the tranny apart from the engine so the cluth and flywheel, ....so as usual i put a mark to aling the pressur plate to flywheel with a chalk pen!!,,,,, but when i tried the flywheel on the newer engine, the hole wasnt big enought of 0.150, ...so i enlarge it on the lathe , but the chalk mark got erased with the coolant ..so i looked in the manual and there is a hole in the pressure plate and a hole on the flywheel, ..ok there's a hole on the pressur plate but none on my flywheel i've notice a cross on the back and a balancing chunk out....my question is how can i put it back togheter...thanks for your help,
2 posters
ooops! flywheel to pressure plate mark erased
benwah- Number of posts : 1135
Location : the land of broken dreams and shattered hopes CT
Registration date : 2008-07-05
Pilot shaft at NAPA only costs couple bucks. When I do a clutch job I allways have the flywheel turned.
Twinpilot001- Number of posts : 6186
Location : spokane ,Wa.
Registration date : 2009-09-28
just install it - look for bolt areas that show some rust or fitment - each is balanced seperately- will work fine anywhere u mount it to flywheel.