I was curious how my Fiero seat speakers would be wired in to a head unit. I came across an awesome page!
Fiero Speakers
There is a lot of information about the wiring, type of speakers (I was never certain of the impedance of the four speakers... wired in parallel or series...).
Of particular interest to us VintAGE Vanners is a how-to for adding speakers to your headrest... I've never ridden in a quiet early, so I wonder if this would be a highly desired mod for everyone. Plus it could apply to any seat / console / whatever! Anyway, I enjoyed this little read, and now believe that I understand how to wire my seats in!
Fiero Speakers
There is a lot of information about the wiring, type of speakers (I was never certain of the impedance of the four speakers... wired in parallel or series...).
Of particular interest to us VintAGE Vanners is a how-to for adding speakers to your headrest... I've never ridden in a quiet early, so I wonder if this would be a highly desired mod for everyone. Plus it could apply to any seat / console / whatever! Anyway, I enjoyed this little read, and now believe that I understand how to wire my seats in!